10 DPO Pregnancy Symptoms
If you are here, you’re most likely wondering whether or not you are pregnant at 10 days past ovulation (DPO). At 10 DPO, you may have missed your period, or maybe you aren’t due on your period yet but you’re just hopeful and looking for a sign that you’ll get a BFP (Big Fat Positive) pregnancy test reading after trying to conceive.
In this article, we’ll speak about when the best time to do a pregnancy test is, as well as the 10 DPO symptoms of pregnancy you may experience, to give you a glimpse into the result you may get at the end of the excruciatingly long-feeling 2 week wait.
If you are at 11 DPO instead, you can read our article: 11 DPO Pregnancy Symptoms.
Article contents:
- What Does 10 DPO Mean?
- Is 10DPO Too Early to Test?
- What If I Receive a Negative Test at 10 DPO?
- When is the Best Time to Take a Pregnancy Test?
- Can Implantation Occur at 10 DPO?
- Common Early Pregnancy Symptoms at 10DPO
What Does 10 DPO Mean?
10 DPO means 10 days past ovulation. Ovulation is when an ovary releases an egg. The egg stops inside of the fallopian tube- where it awaits fertilisation.
If you are wondering, “What DPO Am I?”- you can figure out your approximate DPO by using our ovulation calculator to figure out when you are likely to have ovulated, and then figure out how many days it has been since then.
Is 10 DPO Too Early to Test?
You may be wondering, “Is 10 DPO too early to test?”. The short answer is yes.. (and a little bit of no).. It’s best to wait a little longer to receive the result, which you are so eager to see, to avoid any false readings.
This doesn’t mean that you definitely won’t receive a 10 DPO BFP result- as some women do receive positive pregnancy test results at this time.
If you would like to take a 10 DPO pregnancy test, Clear Blue pregnancy tests are brilliant tests to detect early pregnancies (as early as 6 days). You can get some here.
Are you trying to conceive? If so, it is important that you know the difference between evaporation lines and faint positive results, to avoid disappointment.
What If I Receive a Negative Test at 10 DPO?
Whilst it is possible to get a positive pregnancy test result at 10 days past ovulation (10 DPO BFP), you could, however, also get a negative pregnancy reading, even if you’re pregnant.
This is because your human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels are usually still very low at 10 DPO- as implantation either has yet to occur or has only just occurred.
If you take a pregnancy test and get a BFN at 10 DPO, you should test again at a later date. On the other hand, if you are pregnant with twins, it may be that your hCG levels are too high.
Blood hCG tests are much more accurate than urine hCG tests. If you need further assistance with getting pregnant, ovulation strips are a great tool to help you know when you are most fertile.
When is the Best Time to Take a Pregnancy Test? – How Many Days DPO Should You Test?
You may be wondering, “At how many DPO can I test for pregnancy?” or if you received a negative result at 10 DPO, you might be wondering, “At 10 DPO I got a BFN, when should I test again?”.
“If your period doesn’t come when expected and you’re experiencing potential signs of early pregnancy, it’s a good idea to take a pregnancy test”, says Dr. Andrei Marhol, General Practitioner and Medical advisor.
The best DPO to test for pregnancy is at 12 days past ovulation (DPO), as implantation will have usually occurred by this point- meaning your hCG levels will be high enough to get a positive pregnancy test result if you are pregnant.
However, don’t fret if you do not get a positive reading at 12 DPO; some experts recommend that you test at 14 DPO if you have a regular 28-day menstrual cycle and even later if you have a longer cycle.
Can Implantation Occur at 10 DPO? – How Many DPO is Implantation?
It is not uncommon to experience implantation at 10DPO.
Implantation- the process where the fertilised egg attaches or implants itself onto the uterine lining- typically occurs between 8 and 10 DPO- with 6 DPO usually being the earliest, and 12 DPO usually being the latest.
Common Early Pregnancy Symptoms at 10 DPO
Whilst 10 DPO (10 days past ovulation), is still slightly oo early to get accurate pregnancy test results, you may experience some symptoms at 10 DPO which can indicate pregnancy.
Do not worry if you are experiencing no symptoms at 10 DPO, as, in terms of pregnancy symptoms, 10 DPO is quite early- and many women experience no symptoms at this stage. Below are the potential 10 DPO symptoms leading to a BFP.
(It is important to note that, whilst these are symptoms of early pregnancy, many of these symptoms can also indicate that your period is on its way.)
Cramps with No Bleeding
Even if you are pregnant, during the early stage of pregnancy, you may still experience PMS symptoms, like: mild period cramps and mood swings.
“To alleviate the pain, start exercising more, drink plenty of water, get soothing massages, and practice good sleep habits”, says Mahol, general practitioner and medical reviewer.
You won’t, however, experience any vaginal bleeding (but you may experience spotting in the first 3months of your pregnancy). Cramping at 10 DPO can be due to implantation.
Breast Tenderness & Heavy/Full-Feeling Breasts
During (early) pregnancy, women’s hormone levels are constantly changing. This, alongside the increased blood flow, can cause a woman’s breasts to feel sore, swollen, tingly and full. The area around the nipples, called the areola, may also darken.
Lower Back Pain
In early pregnancy, there is a large increase in the production of the hormone called progesterone, which can cause backaches, as the sudden increase of progesterone levels in the body causes the supporting ligaments and discs of the woman’s back to soften.
The spike in Progesterone levels, during early pregnancy, can also slow digestion, which can cause gas to get trapped in the intestines, causing abdominal bloating, as well as digestive issues (i.e. constipation and flatulence).
At 10 DPO, nausea can be one of the most troubling symptoms.
Progesterone is also the main cause of this symptom: nausea and vomiting.
During early pregnancy, many of us experience an increased sense of smell.
Whilst it may seem pretty neat (almost like a superpower) at first glance, the increased sense of smell women experience can wreak havoc- causing scents like perfume or coffee to make us feel nauseous.
With all of the sudden changes women’s bodies go through at 10 days after ovulation, it’s no wonder that fatigue is a common complaint amongst women during this time. The main cause of this symptom is, once again, the pesky progesterone hormone.
“If you’ve been feeling unusually exhausted, engaging in relaxing activities could help you regain energy,” says Mahol.
Pregnancy vitamins are also a very useful way to regain energy due to pregnancy.
A consistent sleep schedule, as well as good diet, will also help to combat this symptom.
Loss of Appetite
The combination of nausea, bloating and fatigue are bound to cause women to lose their appetite. This is a very common symptom during early pregnancy.
Headaches at 10 DPO could potentially be a symptom of pregnancy!
Headaches during early pregnancy are caused by “hormonal surges and excessive blood flow”, says Andrew Mahol.
Implantation Bleeding
If you are experiencing light bleeding at 10 DPO or spotting at 10 DPO, you may be experiencing implantation bleeding. This is a positive sign that you have experienced implantation at 10 DPO.
Implantation bleeding is the light bleeding/spotting that occurs when a fertilised egg attaches to the walls of the uterus (or uterine lining). Implantation usually occurs before your period is due.
Around 1/3rd of women experience this symptom, which makes it one of the rarer early pregnancy symptoms.
Cramping during implantation bleeding is mild in comparison to menstrual cramps, so you may not feel it at all. Implantation bleeding is usually much lighter than a normal period, although there are cases where heavy bleeding occurs.
Cervical Mucus
If you are pregnant at 10 DPO, your cervical mucus is likely to be thick, creamy, odourless and white or whitish-yellow in colour.
This creamy discharge after ovulation (or 10 DPO in this case) is called leukorrhea- and is present at several different points of your menstrual cycle.
When you are pregnant, you experience leukorrhea in greater quantities.
If you have had a faint positive pregnancy test and then negative the next day, there are plenty of reasons for that.
More from MyBump2Baby
To read about pregnancy symptoms at each day past ovulation, click the links below:
ovusense.com, 10 DPO: early pregnancy signs and what to expect, April 2022
flo.health, 10 DPO: Early Pregnancy Signs 10 Days Past Ovulation, October 2022