Keep Calm and Smell Great by Laura Ripley
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We are living through some crazy times at the moment and if we can help just one person feel a bit more at ease then that’s great. Today’s blog is how to Keep Calm & Smell Great written by Laura Ripley. Don’t forget that now more than ever you might need some time to yourself. Follow these fab tips to make lockdown life that little bit more glamorous.
Keep Calm & Smell Great
Picture this…
Friday morning, the end of a busy week of homeschooling and social distancing and you’d really rather not have to get up…. well this is how I was feeling until recently.
Now, however, I have changed my mindset and start the day a different way.
Try this…
Take just two minutes before you get up to do a simple breathing exercise:
Close your eyes and take 5 deep breaths in and out and repeat 5 times. If you have an essential oil that calms you, add this to your hands and breath it in whilst doing this exercise.
Then before you get up, jot down quickly on your phone or piece of paper, 3 things you are grateful for and 3 goals for the day (these DON’T have to be big things).
Once you are up, I find a few gentle stretches to the sky really helps me.
Now for the big thing that’s changed me during lockdown… I make sure that even though I’m only at home I make sure I put perfume on!!!!!
“Smell good – feel good!”#
It might sound crazy but it’s massively helped improve my mindset and the way I feel throughout the day. We don’t think twice about wearing it on a night out, or to the office, but so many ladies I’ve been speaking to during lockdown have said they have stopped wearing perfume, make up, doing their hair and putting on ‘nice clothes’, because what’s the point???
The point is, by not doing these things we are making ourselves feel down before we even start the day! I’m not saying go crazy like you might for a night out or to go to work, but honestly it’s changed my view of lockdown and of home schooling to, just to feel like a woman, rather than just a mum trying to be all things to all people (especially a teacher which I don’t know about you but, I never signed up for that!!).
So my big thing is perfume, I’ve realised (especially during lockdown) that it identifies me as a woman. It also identifies me in other ways, as a wife when I wear a perfume my husband comments on, or when my daughter says “Mummy, you smell lovely”.
“Nothing in the world smells as good as the person you love”
I’ve always loved fragrances, for me they bring back memories about those in my life I care about, my first date with my now husband, what perfume I had on when I went into labour and on my wedding day.
There is evidence to suggest that perfumes can reduce your stress levels and boost your morale – they certainly have done for me!!
It’s a super easy thing to do when you get up, as a spray of perfume only takes a few moments to apply. The wrists, inside elbows, neck and hair are great places to apply a fragrance.
Remember the quote by Coco Chanel – “Spray perfume wherever one wants to be kissed!”
This leads me onto not stopping with just wearing perfume during the day, at home with the kids….
Picture this…
Friday night, kids in bed and takeaway on order.
Now give yourself half an hour of YOU time, for a soak in the bath with a glass of something, a good book or maybe an inspiring podcast. Honestly we deserve this time, especially now, so don’t feel guilty about taking it and make the time to ensure you get it.
When the craziness of the day has at least somewhat drifted away, take a bit of time to step out, put a bit of lippy on (mascara is personally my thing, so whatever is your go to) and importantly, add a fragrance! Maybe try one you haven’t used before, or a firm favourite, either way, even if you put your loungewear on, having a scent on you will honestly change your mindset.
My online business
It changed mine so much that a few weeks after lockdown I started up my own online business selling fragrances and I would love to help you on your fragrance mindset journey. So if there’s a fragrance you love, or one you’d like to try, contact me. I run Sincerely Scents, which sells designer inspired fragrances at such amazing prices, but that smell just like the real thing. I’d love to offer you a free tester sample if you’d like one. Just send me a message through my Facebook Group – @SincerelyScents.
So in signing off – “a fragrance is like a signature, so that even after a woman leaves the room, her fragrance should reveal she’s been there.”
Sincerely, Laura xx
Hi, I'm Emma and I'm MyBump2aby's family law, protection and financial editor. I'm passionate about better-informing parents on their choices when it comes to family law and family protection and financial matters.
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