300+ BEST Brazilian Names
Are you looking for Brazilian names for your baby? Then, this is the blog for you. We’ve compiled a wide range of Brazilian names, from A-Z lists to popular and unique options too.
Why choose from Brazilian names?
There are so many great reasons why you might choose to use a Brazilian name for your baby. You might have family roots there, love the location or have beautiful memories there. Whatever your reason, it’s your choice what you name your baby.
Brazilian names are often inspired by names from many other locations. It’s also common for Brazilians to have two last names, as they tend to take one from their mother and one from their father.
What to consider when naming your baby
- Take some time to look into the meaning of the name
- Check the initials
- See if you know anyone else who has used the same name
- Make sure you love the name
It’s a good idea to pick out a few names and then cross them off a list as time passes. This means that you’ll be left with a few favourites.
Some parents like to have a name picked out before the baby is born, whereas others like to wait until they arrive.
Read our other blogs on Mayan baby names, Scandinavian baby girl names, Polish baby girl names and Korean baby names.
Brazilian baby names beginning with A for girls
- Ana – Meaning “grace” or “favour.”
- Adriana – Derived from the Latin name Adrianus, “from Adria” (a town in Italy).
- Amanda – Meaning “lovable” or “worthy of love.”
- Aline – A variation of the name Adeline, “noble” or “noble kind.”
- Alícia – A Portuguese variation of Alice, “noble” or “of noble birth.”
- Beatriz – A Portuguese form of Beatrice, “bringer of joy” or “blessed.”
- Bianca – Meaning “white” or “pure.”
- Bruna – Meaning “brown-haired” or “dark-haired.”
- Bárbara – Derived from the Greek word “barbaros,” meaning “strange.”
- Bela – Meaning “beautiful” or “fair.”
- Camila – Meaning “young ceremonial attendant” or “free-born.”
- Clara – Meaning “clear,” “bright,” or “famous.”
- Carolina – A feminine form of Charles, meaning “free man” or “strong.”
- Catarina – The Portuguese form of Catherine, meaning “pure” or “clear.”
- Celeste – Meaning “heavenly” or “divine.”
- Daniela – A feminine form of Daniel, meaning “God is my judge.”
- Débora – The Portuguese form of Deborah, meaning “bee” in Hebrew.
- Dalila – Derived from the Hebrew name Delilah, meaning “delicate” or “weak.”
- Diana – Named after the Roman goddess of the moon and hunting.
- Dora – Meaning “gift” or “gifted.”
- Ester – A Portuguese form of Esther, meaning “star.”
- Eloá – Meaning “goddess” or “goddess of fertility.”
- Emília – A variation of Emily, meaning “rival” or “industrious.”
- Eduarda – A feminine form of Eduardo (Edward), meaning “wealthy guardian.”
- Estela – Meaning “star” or “stellar.”
- Fernanda – A feminine form of Ferdinand, “bold voyager” or “ardent for peace.”
- Flávia – Meaning “blonde” or “yellow-haired.”
- Fabiana – A feminine form of Fabian, “bean grower” or “bean seller.”
- Francisca is Francis’s feminine form, “Frenchman” or “free man.”
- Fatima – Named after a town in Portugal and associated with devotion to the Virgin Mary.
- Gabriela – A feminine form of Gabriel, meaning “God is my strength.”
- Giovana – A variation of Giovanna, the Italian form of Joanna, meaning “God is gracious.”
- Graziela – Derived from Grazia, an Italian word meaning “grace.”
- Gisele – Meaning “pledge” or “oath,” often associated with a promise.
- Glória – Meaning “glory” or “praise.”
- Helena – Meaning “bright,” “shining light,” or “torch.”
- Hortência – A Portuguese name meaning “garden” or “orchard.”
- Heloísa – A Portuguese form of Eloise, meaning “healthy” or “wide.”
- Heitora – A feminine form of Heitor (Hector), which means “holding fast” or “steadfast.”
- Hannah – A popular name in Brazil, meaning “grace” or “favour.”
- Isabela – A variation of Isabel, meaning “God is my oath.”
- Inês – A Portuguese name derived from Agnes, meaning “pure” or “chaste.”
- Iara – In Brazilian folklore, Iara is a mythical mermaid-like creature.
- Juliana – A feminine form of Julian, meaning “youthful” or “downy-bearded.”
- Joana – A Portuguese variation of Joanna, meaning “God is gracious.”
- Júlia – A variation of Julia, meaning “youthful” or “full of youth.”
- Jasmim – Portuguese for “jasmine,” a fragrant flower.
- Josefa – The Portuguese feminine form of Joseph, “God will add” or “God will increase.”
- Kátia – A common Brazilian variation of Katherine or Catherine, meaning “pure.”
- Kamila – A variation of Camila, meaning “young ceremonial attendant” or “free-born.”
- Karen – Spelled the same way as in English and meaning “pure” or “clear.”
- Kellen – Meaning “bright-headed” or “fair-haired.”
- Karina – A variation of Carina, meaning “dear” or “beloved.”
- Larissa – Meaning “cheerful” or “happy.”
- Letícia – Meaning “joy” or “happiness.”
- Luana – A name inspired by the Hawaiian word “luana,” meaning “content,” “happy,” or “satisfied.”
- Lívia – A name of Roman origin, meaning “blue” or “envious.”
- Lorena – Meaning “laurel tree” or “crowned with laurel.”
- Maria – One of the most popular names in Brazil, meaning “bitter” or “beloved.”
- Manuela – A feminine form of Manuel, meaning “God is with us.”
- Mariana – A combination of Maria and Ana, meaning “grace” and “bitter.”
- Melinda – Meaning “gentle” or “honey-sweet.”
- Marcela – A feminine form of Marcelo, meaning “young warrior” or “dedicated to Mars.”
- Natália – Meaning “born on Christmas Day” or “of Christ’s birth.”
- Nicole – Spelled the same way as in English, meaning “victorious people.”
- Noemi – A variation of Naomi, meaning “pleasantness” or “delight.”
- Nara – Named after the Nara River in Brazil.
- Neusa – A Brazilian name with no specific meaning but a pleasant sound.
- Olivia – “Olive tree” or “symbol of peace.”
- Odara – Meaning related to “beauty” or “goodness.”
- Olinda – Named after the historic city of Olinda in Brazil.
- Ondina – Meaning “little wave” or “water sprite.”
- Odette – A name of French origin, meaning “wealthy” or “prosperous.”
- Paloma – Meaning “dove” or “peace.”
- Priscila – A variation of Priscilla, meaning “ancient” or “venerable.”
- Patrícia – A feminine form of Patrick, meaning “noble” or “noblewoman.”
- Pietra – A Brazilian name with no specific meaning but a unique sound.
- Poliana – Meaning “graceful” or “grace of God.”
- Few Brazilian girl names start with the letter Q.
- Rafaela – A feminine form of Rafael, meaning “God has healed.”
- Renata – Meaning “reborn” or “renewed.”
- Raquel – A Portuguese name of biblical origin, meaning “ewe” or “innocent.”
- Roberta – A feminine form of Robert, meaning “bright fame.”
- Rosana – A combination of Rosa (rose) and Ana (grace), meaning “graceful rose.”
- Sofia – Spelled the same way as in English, meaning “wisdom.”
- Silvana – Meaning “wooded” or “forest.”
- Sílvia – A variation of Sylvia, meaning “forest” or “woods.”
- Samira – Meaning “companion in evening talk” or “entertaining companion.”
- Sabrina – Associated with “princess” and “patience.”
- Taís – Meaning “goddess of the sea” in Greek mythology.
- Tamara – Of Russian origin, meaning “palm tree” or “date palm.”
- Thaís – Meaning “belonging to Thaïs,” an ancient Greek name.
- Tatiana – A Russian name meaning “fairy queen” or “princess.”
- Tereza – A Portuguese variation of Teresa, meaning “harvester” or “reaper.”
- Uana – A unique Brazilian name with no specific meaning but a pleasant sound.
- Ully – A modern and trendy name with no specific meaning.
- Uriana – A Brazilian name with no specific meaning but a unique and exotic sound.
- Ursula – A name of Latin origin, meaning “little bear.”
- Uziel – A unisex name of Hebrew origin, meaning “God is my strength.”
- Valentina – A Latin name meaning “strong” or “healthy.”
- Vanessa – Meaning “butterfly” or “graceful.”
- Vitória – The Portuguese word for “victory.”
- Verônica – A Brazilian name with no specific meaning but a classic sound.
- Valéria – A feminine form of Valerius, meaning “strong” or “healthy.”
Only a few Brazilian girl names start with the letter W & X.
- Yasmin – A variation of Jasmine, meaning “jasmine flower” or “gift from God.”
- Yara – In Brazilian folklore, Yara is a mythical mermaid-like creature.
- Yohana – A variation of Johanna or Joanna, meaning “God is gracious.”
- Ysabella – A variation of Isabella, meaning “God is my oath.”
- Yvonne – A name of French origin, meaning “yew wood” or “archer.”
- Zara – A name of Arabic origin, meaning “princess” or “radiant.”
- Zenaida – A unique name with Greek origins, meaning “born of Zeus” or “holy.”
- Zuleika – A Brazilian name with no specific meaning but an exotic sound.
- Zilda – Meaning “battle maiden” or “warrior woman.”
- Zayra – A modern and trendy name with no specific meaning.
Brazilian baby names beginning with A for boys
- Alexandre – The Portuguese form of Alexander, “defender of the people.”
- Arthur – A popular name in Brazil, it means “bear king.”
- Augusto – The Portuguese form of Augustus, meaning “majestic” or “venerable.”
- André – The Portuguese form of Andrew, meaning “manly” or “brave.”
- Antonio – A common name in Brazil, it means “priceless” or “invaluable.”
- Bernardo – A variation of Bernard, “strong bear” or “brave as a bear.”
- Bruno – Meaning “brown” or “brown-haired.”
- Benjamin – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “son of the right hand.”
- Bartolomeu – The Portuguese form of Bartholomew, meaning “son of Talmai.”
- Breno – A Brazilian name with no specific meaning but a modern sound.
- Carlos – The Portuguese form of Charles, meaning “free man” or “strong.”
- César – The Portuguese form of Caesar, associated with “emperor” or “ruler.”
- Cristiano – A variation of Christian, meaning “follower of Christ.”
- Cláudio – Meaning “lame” or “limping.”
- Caio – A Brazilian name with no specific meaning but a unique sound.
- Daniel – Meaning “God is my judge” in Hebrew.
- Diego – A common name in Brazil, it is of Spanish origin and has no specific meaning.
- Davi – The Portuguese form of David, “beloved” or “friend.”
- Douglas – A name of Scottish origin, “dark river” or “dark stream.”
- Djalma – A Brazilian name with no specific meaning but a strong and unique sound.
- Eduardo – A form of Edward, meaning “wealthy guardian” or “rich protector.”
- Enzo – A trendy name in Brazil, its exact meaning is uncertain, often associated with “ruler of the home” or “home leader.”
- Estevão – The Portuguese form of Stephen, meaning “crown” or “wreath.”
- Elias – A variation of Elijah, meaning “the Lord is my God.”
- Emanoel – A variation of Emmanuel, meaning “God is with us.”
- Felipe – The Portuguese form of Philip, meaning “lover of horses.”
- Francisco – The Portuguese form of Francis, meaning “Frenchman” or “free man.”
- Fabiano – A variation of Fabian, meaning “bean grower” or “bean seller.”
- Flávio – Meaning “blonde” or “yellow-haired.”
- Fernando – Meaning “brave traveller” or “adventurous.”
- Guilherme – The Portuguese form of William, meaning “strong-willed warrior.”
- Gustavo – Meaning “staff of the gods” or “royal staff.”
- Gabriel – A name of Hebrew origin, “God is my strength.”
- Gregório – The Portuguese form of Gregory, meaning “watchful” or “vigilant.”
- Geraldo – A variation of Gerald, “rule of the spear” or “ruler of the army.”
- Heitor – A name of Greek origin, meaning “holding fast” or “steadfast.”
- Henrique – The Portuguese form of Henry, meaning “ruler of the household.”
- Hugo – Meaning “mind,” “intellect,” or “spirit.”
- Haroldo – A variation of Harold, meaning “leader of the army” or “army ruler.”
- Hélio – A Brazilian name with no specific meaning but a connection to the sun (“sol” in Portuguese).
- Ícaro – Named after the mythical figure Icarus, who flew too close to the sun.
- Ismael – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “God hears.”
- Igor – Meaning “warrior” or “hero.”
- Israel – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “God perseveres.”
- Itamar – A biblical name meaning “palm island.”
- João – The Portuguese form of John, meaning “God is gracious.”
- José – The Portuguese form of Joseph, meaning “God will add” or “God will increase.”
- Jorge – The Portuguese form of George, meaning “farmer” or “earthworker.”
- Júlio – A variation of Julius, meaning “youthful” or “downy-bearded.”
- Jacinto – A name of Greek origin, meaning “hyacinth flower.”
- Kauã – A Brazilian name with no specific meaning but a modern and trendy sound.
- Kaique – A unique Brazilian name with no specific meaning.
- Kelvin – Meaning “river of the narrow” or “narrow water.”
- Kristian – A variation of Christian, meaning “follower of Christ.”
- Kaleb – A variation of Caleb, meaning “faithful” or “devotion to God.”
- Lucas – A popular name in Brazil, meaning “light” or “illumination.”
- Leonardo – Meaning “brave lion.”
- Luan – A Brazilian name with no specific meaning but a modern sound.
- Luiz – The Portuguese form of Louis, “famous warrior” or “renowned fighter.”
- Leandro – Meaning “lion of man” or “manly lion.”
- Mateus – The Portuguese form of Matthew, meaning “gift of God.”
- Miguel – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “who is like God?”
- Marcos – The Portuguese form of Mark, meaning “warlike” or “male.”
- Max – A short and modern name often associated with “greatest” or “maximum.”
- Manoel – A variation of Manuel, meaning “God is with us.”
- Natan – A variation of Nathan, meaning “gift of God.”
- Nicolau – The Portuguese form of Nicholas, meaning “victory of the people.”
- Nelson – Meaning “son of Neil” or “son of the champion.”
- Nataniel – A variation of Nathaniel, meaning “gift of God.”
- Nilo – A Brazilian name with no specific meaning but a pleasant sound.
- Otávio – The Portuguese form of Octavius, meaning “eighth.”
- Orlando – A name of Germanic origin, meaning “famous throughout the land.”
- Osvaldo – A variation of Oswald, meaning “divine power” or “God’s rule.”
- Olavo – A Brazilian name with no specific meaning but a unique sound.
- Otaviano – A variation of Otavio with the same meaning.
- Pedro – The Portuguese form of Peter, meaning “rock” or “stone.”
- Paulo – The Portuguese form of Paul, meaning “small” or “humble.”
- Plínio – Meaning “full,” “complete,” or “abundant.”
- Patrick – A name of Irish origin, meaning “noble” or “nobleman.”
- Pietro – The Italian form of Peter, with the same meaning.
- There are very few Brazilian boy names that start with the letter Q.
- Rafael – The Portuguese form of Raphael, meaning “God has healed.”
- Rodrigo – A name of Germanic origin, meaning “famous ruler.”
- Raul – A Brazilian name with no specific meaning but a strong and modern sound.
- Rômulo – A Brazilian name inspired by the mythical founder of Rome, Romulus.
- Renato – Meaning “reborn” or “renewed.”
- Samuel – Meaning “heard by God” or “asked of God.”
- Salvador – The Portuguese word for “saviour.”
- Sérgio – A name of Latin origin, meaning “servant” or “attendant.”
- Silas – Meaning “wooded” or “forest.”
- Sílvio – A variation of Silas with the same meaning.
- Thiago – The Portuguese form of James, meaning “supplanter” or “one who follows.”
- Tobias – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “God is good.”
- Teodoro – The Portuguese form of Theodore, meaning “gift of God.”
- Tadeu – A Brazilian name with no specific meaning but a unique sound.
- Tomás – The Portuguese form of Thomas, meaning “twin.”
- Ulisses – The Portuguese form of Ulysses, the hero of Homer’s epic poems.
- Uriel – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “God is my light.”
- Uziel – A Brazilian name with no specific meaning but a unique sound.
- Urbano – Meaning “urban” or “city-dweller.”
- Ubirajara – A name of Tupi-Guarani origin, meaning “lord of the spear” or “chief of warriors.”
- Vinícius – A Brazilian name with no specific meaning but a popular and modern sound.
- Valdemar – A name of Germanic origin, meaning “famous ruler” or “rule of the valley.”
- Victor – Meaning “victor” or “conqueror.”
- Vladmir – A variation of Vladimir, meaning “ruler of the world.”
- Vítor – A Portuguese name meaning “victor” or “conqueror.”
- Walter – Meaning “ruler of the army” or “powerful warrior.”
- Wendel – A Brazilian name with no specific meaning but a modern and unique sound.
- Wagner – Meaning “wagonmaker” or “wagon driver.”
- William – Meaning “strong-willed warrior” or “resolute protector.”
- Wesley – A name of English origin, meaning “western meadow.”
- Xavier – A name of Basque origin, meaning “new house” or “bright.”
- Yuri – A variation of George, meaning “farmer” or “earthworker.”
- Zacarias – The Portuguese form of Zechariah, meaning “remembered by God.”
- Zayd – A name of Arabic origin, meaning “growth” or “abundance.”
- Zenon – Meaning “gift of Zeus,” derived from Greek mythology.
- Zenóbio – A Brazilian name with no specific meaning but a unique sound.
- Zoroa – A Brazilian name with no specific meaning but a modern and trendy sound.
Popular Brazilian names for girls
Here are some of the most common Brazilian names for girls – there are lots of great options.
- Maria – Common and classic name.
- Ana – Simple and timeless choice.
- Giovanna – Elegant and Italian origin.
- Laura – Graceful and widely used name.
- Beatriz – Sweet and sophisticated name.
- Isabella – Beautiful and popular name.
- Luiza – Feminine and charming choice.
- Manuela – Strong and versatile name.
- Sofia – Elegant and global favorite.
- Valentina – Romantic and stylish name.
- Gabriela – Lovely and classic name.
- Helena – Timeless and elegant choice.
- Larissa – Graceful and modern-sounding name.
- Vitória – Meaning “victory” in Portuguese.
- Alice – Classic and elegant name.
- Clara – Clear and simple choice.
- Camila – Versatile and modern name.
- Eduarda – Strong and unique option.
- Lívia – Elegant and less common name.
- Letícia – Graceful and charming choice.
- Juliana – Timeless and classic name.
- Natália – Elegant and feminine name.
- Raquel – Biblical and meaningful name.
- Mariana – Popular and beautiful name.
- Bruna – Warm and friendly choice.
Popular Brazilian names for boys
Here are some of the most common Brazilian names for boys for you to choose from.
- Miguel – A strong and classic name.
- Arthur – Noble and timeless choice.
- Bernardo – Distinguished and traditional name.
- Heitor – Meaning “conqueror” in Portuguese.
- Davi – A modern and popular name.
- Lorenzo – Elegant and Italian origin.
- Pedro – A common and classic name.
- Gabriel – Biblical and meaningful name.
- Matheus – Popular and contemporary choice.
- Enzo – Short and trendy name.
- Lucas – A widely used and beloved name.
- Samuel – A classic and dignified name.
- Benjamin – Meaning “son of the right hand.”
- João – A common and traditional name.
- Rafael – Elegant and timeless choice.
- Thiago – A strong and modern name.
- Gustavo – Strong and masculine option.
- Leonardo – Artistic and creative name.
- Eduardo – Classic and versatile choice.
- Bruno – Energetic and friendly name.
- Victor – Signifying victory and strength.
- Otávio – A unique and distinguished name.
- Felipe – Meaning “lover of horses.”
- Caio – Short and stylish choice.
- Marcos – A classic and common name.
Unique Brazilian names for girls
- Iara – Mythical Brazilian water spirit.
- Ayana – Meaning “beautiful flower” in Swahili.
- Yasmim – A variation of Jasmine, a fragrant flower.
- Anahí – An elegant and unique name.
- Isaura – Noble and classic choice.
- Iracema – A legendary figure in Brazilian literature.
- Amaranta – Signifying love and passion.
- Zuleide – Unique and distinctive name.
- Marialva – Graceful and traditional-sounding name.
- Belmira – An uncommon and charming option.
- Zayra – Exotic and intriguing name.
- Iolanda – Classic and elegant choice.
- Ximena – A Spanish name with charm.
- Ondina – Mythical water nymph or mermaid.
- Aldora – A vintage and unique name.
- Esmeralda – Meaning “emerald” in Spanish.
- Sancha – A traditional and timeless name.
- Odete – Elegant and classic-sounding name.
- Jandira – A unique and strong-sounding name.
- Zaira – Exotic and beautiful choice.
- Isolda – Classical and romantic name.
- Cacilda – Uncommon and charming name.
- Jacinta – A classic name with charm.
- Maracajá – Unique and evocative name.
- Carminha – A warm and friendly-sounding name.
Unique Brazilian names for boys
- Jacinto – A classic and floral name.
- Xande – A short and unique choice.
- Urano – Derived from the Greek god Uranus.
- Ezequiel – A biblical and strong name.
- Ícaro – Mythical figure from Greek mythology.
- Ruy – A short and distinguished name.
- Bento – A traditional and classic name.
- Jurandir – A unique and distinctive choice.
- Alarico – A historical and regal name.
- Nereu – Named after the sea god Nereus.
- Zenóbio – An uncommon and intriguing name.
- Gaspar – A classic and regal-sounding name.
- Dirceu – Strong and traditional choice.
- Ulysses – The Latin name for Odysseus.
- Venceslau – Meaning “greater glory” in Slavic.
- Aroldo – A classic and timeless option.
- Raimundo – A traditional and dignified name.
- Tarcísio – A unique and elegant-sounding name.
- Júlio César – Named after the Roman leader.
- Saturnino – Derived from the Roman god Saturn.
- Evaristo – A distinctive and dignified name.
- Valdemar – Signifying “famous ruler.”
- Djalma – A unique and modern choice.
- Jandir – A strong and unique-sounding name.
- Ulisses – The Portuguese version of Ulysses.
We hope this blog has been helpful regarding Brazilian baby names. Whether you choose some common Brazilian names or unique options – they’ll be great. Good luck finding the perfect name!
Abigail holds a First Class Degree in Marketing and a BTEC in Children’s Play, Learning, and Development. As an established author and expert in baby names, she has spent over four years alongside industry experts blogging about pregnancy, babies, and family-related topics, including quotes and puns, with a special focus on name ideas. Her well-researched articles are thoughtfully crafted to guide parents through early parenthood, making her work an invaluable resource for families.